Classroom Interaction
– Interactive Session
of Classsroom Interaction
is a practice that enhances the development of the two very important language
skills which are speaking and listening among the learners. This device helps
the learner to be competent enough to think critically and share their views
among their peers.
The Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines the
verb ‘to interact’ as ‘to communicate with or react to (each other)’.
The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines the noun ‘interaction’ as a ‘reciprocal
action or influence’. Therefore interaction is more than action followed by
reaction. It includes acting reciprocally, acting upon each other.
Rivers (1987, 57) describes the word through its Latin roots: ‘agere’
meaning ‘to do’ and ‘inter’ meaning ‘among’. It shows
us the active and social part of a human being that affects other people
through interaction.
Brown (2001, 165) relates interaction to communication,
saying, “…interaction is, in fact, the heart of communication: it is what
communication is all about”.
Interaction has a similar meaning in the classroom. We might
define classroom interaction as a two-way process between the participants in
the learning process. The teacher influences the learners and vice versa.
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